Black Swan Event: The Biggest Crypto Market Risk!In today’s article, we will be discussing a risk known as Black Swan Event. Now what is the Black Swan and why it is considered as the most unexpected event in the course of any economic crisis is the greater factor to be discussed.
The most unexpected event that has the maximum possibility to occur in the market is called Black Swan, this term was first coined by NYU professor and economist Nassim Nicholas Taleb.
The main attributes that shape the possibilities of Black Swan events:
Potential Severities
Widespread impact
According to Taleb:
A black swan is an unpredictable event that is beyond what is normally expected of a situation and has potentially severe consequences.
They are impossible to predict due to their extreme rarity, yet have catastrophic consequences, it is important for people to always assume a black swan event is a possibility, whatever it may be, and to try to plan accordingly.
Some believe that diversification may offer some protection when a black swan event does occur.
Black swan events are characterized by their extreme rarity, severe impact, and the widespread insistence they were obvious in hindsight.
Extrapolating, using statistics based on observations of past events is not helpful for predicting black swans, and might even make us more vulnerable to them.
The last key aspect of a black swan is that as a historically important event, observers are keen to explain it after the fact and speculate as to how it could have been predicted. Such retrospective speculation, however, does not actually help to predict future black swans as these can be anything from a credit crisis to a war.
What is the impact on Institutional markets?
We know that somehow, we can use normal factors of prediction and probability over mass numbers of people like the result predicting based on Normal distribution curve, for such things, even the extrapolation method is not working.
Hence Black Swan can take the market in any form that is not predefined, that can attack a market with several forms like crashing of prices and regulatory risk of digital exchanges.
What are the two different types of Black Swan risk?
Black Swan occurs within two types one is the positive impact and another one is a negative impact, now the inability to predict the accurate possibilities is the driving force behind the execution of the Black Swan event.
Any clampdown on the trading of cryptocurrencies and other digital money can directly crash the prices of other currencies.
The crackdown of Cryptocurrency exchanges by any third parties or other factors can also be counted as the Black Swan effect, many particular exogenous events can be forced to occur like:
Inverse Volatility
The crackdown of Crypto exchanges
Regulatory risk of Crypto exchanges
Low liquidity and low trading volume
Having said that, 2022 has been the year of the “Black Swan” throughout the world of cryptocurrency. From the fall of LUNA to the insolvency of 3AC, Celsius, FTX and now BlockFi, the market has taken major hits in value and credibility. Each one of these events seemingly was viewed as a once in a lifetime event.
To sum up, the Black Swan event is described in the following summarized manner:
This event is so rare that it has many unknown possibilities occurring suddenly.
Also, the impact is so huge that it can have a catastrophic effect.
The hindsight conclusion if the prediction comes as true.
At last, one could conclude that many events could turn into a Black Swan in crypto trading such as, Network Congestion where everyone is rushing to have Ethereum and it subsequently raises the price of gas.
In this case, when Black Swan occurs, the problem increases tenfold times and also this affects the liquidation process and also low-value transfers can simply attack the blockchain system.
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Best Regards, CryptoQueens.
Trading Plan
7 Reasons why Elite Traders Crush the CompetitionHello TradingView world,
I have been trading for almost 15 years and have learned some serious lessons about trading and the markets. I have also been fortunate enough to interact with many great traders over that time that have helped me tremendously, however I still struggled for a long while and wondered why I wasn’t making the progress I desperately wanted to make.
I thought just like everyone else, that if I found the perfect trading strategy, all of my problems would vanish and profits would rain down from the sky like salt bae letting salt drip down off his forearm.
Well guess what happened? I ACTUALLY DID FIND IT.
In fact, my analysis in the market was so damn good that in 2013 I was invited to speak on a worldwide webinar hosted by Daily-FX which was then owned by FXCM.
I’d have a 50 pip stop with a 500+ pip price target and I was nailing the trades left and right, so this was the reason I was invited on. I was working at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York during this time and I ended up leaving that job to trade full time that same year.
Things went smoothly for a while. I partied… A LOT. Did all kinds of reckless and stupid things with my time and money and I ultimately lost it all by 2015. I pondered for a long time about what happened and once I removed my ego and stubbornness, I figured out that what makes a trader great has nothing to do with the outside and has everything to do with the inside.
This is the TRUE secret of trading success. It’s all about YOU and how YOU approach trading. There is so much more to the story but without further hesitation, based on what I have learned from other great traders and have personally learned through brutal hard lessons, this is why Elite traders crush everyone else in the market and if you begin employing these lessons in your own trading, I can guarantee that you will see a dramatic change in your results.
Everyone gets into trading for one thing and one thing only; to make money and to make as much of it as possible. One thing that the majority of traders do is that they also want to do it in the FASTEST way possible. This is where they screw up but is it any surprise that this is the case? I mean look all around you in terms of social media (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) it’s all over the place with people touting “Watch me turn $1,000 into $10,000 in just a few days!” … This gets views, it gets attention and it encourages other traders to continuously take on massive risks in order to achieve this.
Is it possible to do? YES, because many traders (Including myself) have done it but what does it also do? It creates detrimental habits that keep you in this mindset of turning a small account into a large account quickly and then that one day comes when you take on massive risk on a trade that looks “good” but ends up going violently against you for a huge loss or COMPLETE destruction of your account.
Another factor is that the majority of traders want to be in the market ALL of the time. They can’t resist staying out and staying flat during times of uncertainty or when the charts aren’t clear enough to validate putting their capital at risk. Elite traders can wait hours, days and even WEEKS before putting on another trade because they understand, their trading opportunity is not yet clear and they rather wait as long as possible in order to enter the market at the most optimal time and conditions.
Think about it; do you want to be in the market on a consistent basis? Are you able to wait a few days or a few weeks before putting on a new trade? It’s a very difficult thing for many traders to do while Elite traders have mastered the game of patience to their advantage. It’s not a matter of how long is the next trade going to take to develop? Rather, I’ll take the next trade when the optimal conditions are met regardless of how long it takes.
Everyone has weaknesses whether we like to admit it or not. Some traders are severely impatient, some have a problem with risk management, some have a problem with making impulsive trades and become reckless, some have a problem with over analyzing their charts or trying to look at multiple markets at the same time, etc. Most traders either try to suppress them or choose to ignore them completely and this causes many to struggle and stay frustrated.
Have you ever thought to yourself, “Shit, why did I do that!?” or “Why did I get out when I should have stayed in” or “Why did I chase it! I knew I should have stayed out” … There is a weakness there that you have not learned to master or work on improving it. Even if you finally acknowledge it and try to write it down or post it on your wall by your trading desk… You STILL end up making that mistake and frustration takes over.
Elite traders through trial and error have learned to master their INTERNAL trading character. They know what triggers them and have found a way to stop it in its tracks so that mistakes are kept under control. They also understand that when these weaknesses start to creep up on them, they can identify WHY it’s happening and talk themselves out of it.
For example, if the market is rising and it looks like it’s going to get away from them, they understand that by chasing after it, the market could turn around and leave them with an unnecessary loss or trap them in a position that they should have not gotten into in the first place. Their attitude is “The market did not give me the optimal trading opportunity that I wanted therefore I will wait. Let the market do whatever it’s going to do, I don’t care. I only care about my optimal trading opportunities” This tie’s in with reason #1 (Patience). They will not let ANYTHING force them into trades they shouldn’t be in.
This is not only true of trading but life in general, focusing on one thing and mastering that one thing to become great at it. There are a multitude of instruments and markets to trade and it gives us traders the freedom to choose where we’d like to put our capital to work but as many of us know, too much choice can actually be a bad thing. When it comes to the Forex market, we have many pairs we can work with and that can actually be a problem.
Everyone has a watch-list of pairs that they want to trade but is that causing you more trading struggles for you or keeping you confused? Whether the answer is yes or no, why are you doing that? And the answer is most likely because you believe it presents more trading opportunities but that is not always the right way to go about things. Each pair moves and reacts differently during certain market conditions and what works well on the EUR/USD may not work on the GBP/JPY. While the EUR/USD moves at a more stable pace and a big day would be considered a 1% move, the GBP/JPY can become wildly explosive and relentless when it comes to market volatility.
Elite traders know this and they stick to ONE thing and become a master at it. I personally stick to the EUR/USD and that is MORE than enough to make profitable trades on. Elite traders do not divert to other markets or other pairs to try and make more profits but they lock down and focus on that one pair and crush it. It’s not common for the majority of traders to do this because they feel that they will be missing out on other trading opportunities but are they really? Or are they just finding multiple ways to take losses?
In order to trade this way, it would require the ability to stay incredibly patient but it would allow for you to stay away from multiple charts and remain disciplined while not putting your capital at risk and avoiding impulse/emotional trades.
This is not common but then again… this is why Elite traders do it and the majority does not.
Just look at the screenshots of charts scattered on trading forums, social media or any other discussion outlet, more times than not everyone’s looking at the 1 Minute all through the 4 Hour time frames. You’ll find a few daily charts here and there and even less Weekly+ charts. Most traders want to be in the market every day and this is why Day trading is so enticing, it gives them a reason to log in, open up their charts and look for trading opportunities to make money. That’s a Mistake.
You’re probably noticing that the previous 3 reasons tie into this reason and that’s because this is just another manifestation of lack of patience or inability to focus on one thing. Short term charts give the impression that there will be more moves to get in and out and not staying in a position overnight. Yes, I get that some traders out there prefer to just get into the market and then be done with it at the end of the day but more times than not, you’ll end up making impulsive trades that creates a string of losses if you don’t have your emotions in check.
Elite traders like to look at the “whole picture” and prefer looking at the daily charts and up. Since longer time frames take time to develop, this is perfectly fine for them as it gives them more time to prepare for the upcoming trade and analyze the levels, they want to take a position and take profit. Once they enter a position, they set their stop and let the market work for them.
They don’t need to check their positions multiple times per day since they know the market will take its time doing what it’s going to do and therefore have time for other activities in their lives or businesses.
“How much can I make per day”, “How much can I make per week” or “How much can I make per month” … This is what you’ll usually hear from the majority of traders but how many times have you heard “We’ll see how performance looks at the end of the Quarter”? I’m willing to bet, not many. There is a lot of hype about how much can be made in one day or week but trading is not about just one day, one week or one month, it’s about the long game and how results look over time.
Some Elite traders even go as far as looking at profit-loss on a yearly basis but because market conditions change throughout the year, reviewing how performance looks like at the end of the quarter is preferable. There is no rush to try to make a gain at the end of the day, week or month. Spacing out P/L review allows opportunities to both develop and play out especially if the market is trending.
Elite traders don’t mess around in the market either, this is not a game or hobby for them while many amateurs in the market don’t take it as seriously as you would think. They know that the market is a battlefield and the other side of the trade won’t hesitate for a Nano-second to take their money. They understand that trading should be treated with the same care as running a business and properly deploying their capital out into the market is essential in bringing back even more capital for future trading opportunities that yield larger profits.
Although trading is now offered to the masses and anyone can pretty much open a brokerage account and begin to trade, there are millions of traders that are misinformed and approach the market incorrectly and unprofessionally. “But, I’m not looking to trade professionally, I just want to trade casually” sure, that is completely fine however guess who’s going to eat you alive in the markets? That’s right, the Elite traders who do take things seriously and professionally.
In the boxing world, what is one of the warnings referees issue to the fighter’s right before the fight begins? “Keep your hands up and Protect yourself at all times!” and for good reason, right? So that they do not put their hands down and get a crushing hard punch to the head that knocks them out cold. It doesn’t matter how well you trained or for how long you’ve trained because one lazy mistake can cost you the fight, in some cases brutally.
If you’ve been in the trading scene for any length of time, you have read or heard it countless times “manage your risk, manage your risk, manage your risk!” but how many traders ACTUALLY do it? You’d be surprised at how many do not do it at all because it’s painful to do. Painful? How so?... Well, it requires one to make small gains over time instead of putting the pedal to the metal and use high leverage on one single trade. That’s very difficult for the majority of traders to do because that means no “Account Flips” or trying to hit a homerun trade every single time and let’s face it, everyone is trying to get “rich” quickly.
Elite traders know that just one mistake of not practicing sound money management by either not using a stop loss or using too much leverage can be extremely dangerous to their account and they know that it’s just not worth it. On another note, they understand that following risk control is instilling good and strong habits for their subconscious mind and it will carry along for the rest of their careers if they just stick to that simple principle.
If there’s one major reason the majority of traders fail while a small percentage of traders make money consistently, it’s a lack of risk management and account/capital protection.
Before you step into the unforgiving arena (Forex) be sure to protect your account at ALL times! Keep your "Guard" up and play defense!
This is a pretty interesting and controversial one. It can be difficult to ignore the distractions and noise because us traders want to be part of a group or community so that we can share ideas and forecasts along with everyone else but sometimes, you’ve got to be careful with this. You may have an idea or outlook that goes against what others think is going to happen and it could get you off track. You may have experienced this a few times where you believe the market is going to go in one direction and others share the complete opposite view which then causes you to doubt your analysis. You end up cutting the position too early for fear of being wrong and ultimately the market goes in the direction you thought it would and you’re left frustrated.
Distractions can also come in the form of upcoming economic data such as the Federal Reserve coming out with Interest Rates or its chairman Jerome Powell talking about certain economic projections. Volatility spikes up and it sucks you into the hype but if you have a sound trading strategy and rules, you may have noticed that even during high volatility, the market still respects order on the charts. It just moves as a faster pace.
I have personally experienced this through my years of trading, in fact a recent memory comes to mind in 2020. I was invited by an online friend to a private Meta trading group and I wanted to offer some help and insight into what I knew, so I shared a screenshot of my outlook of the EUR/USD going forward.
It was a powerful chart pattern I had seen countless times on the weekly chart and the EUR/USD was trading around 1.0850. Once I shared my screenshot calling for the Euro to make a strong 1000+ pip move and trend towards 1.2000 to 1.2200, some other group member immediately called my analysis a joke and that chart patterns were garbage and useless.
I was going to retaliate back but I thought to myself, this is childish, unprofessional and really unproductive, so I immediately left that group. My friend apologized and said the other guy had a chip on his shoulder because he was former banker for a massive global investment bank (I won’t say which one but I can guarantee you, everyone knows it). I appreciated the apology and left it at that. I the end, all that mattered to me was that as the months went by, the EUR/USD did in fact trend towards the exact projected price levels. That was a lesson for me to avoid detrimental opinions from others.
Elite traders know about this type of noise and are sure to remove any of that from their trading. This is why many stay “undercover” and you don’t really hear about them. They stay under the radar and just do what they do and do it well.
The overall lesson here is that a community should be about helping others and uplifting them, even when they’re wrong. No matter how great a trader is, he/she still deals with losses and nobody is ever correct 100% of the time. Trading is already difficult, so by encouraging and helping others become better at trading the markets, everyone improves as a whole.
There you have it, just some of the basics of what Elite traders do and what has transformed my own trading results tremendously. We all know that there are a variety of ways to approach the market but if there is one takeaway from all of this is that, Top Level traders have learned to master themselves and how they mentally approach trading. It’s actually quite simple and straight forward however it can be hard to implement in real time but that doesn’t mean that it cannot be done and transform your own trading. I wish you the best in your trading journey. I personally know it can be VERY tough but it's well worth it. Keep at it and never give up.
Investing and Trading Should be Easy!My Background
I was a young man working for an Insurance company and being a quiet trouble-maker with a healthy affinity for analysis of numbers, I was thrust into a position that fed this desire to the max. My boss then told me, "Runya in this job you must have a sixth sense, insurance agents earn commission and if they get a chance to falsify numbers to get paid they will do it, you are the gate keeper". Those days insurance agents would put fake business through, get paid and the claw back (recouping paid commission) would be few months later. Some would then abscond starting a lengthy process or using current commission to recover the monies. It was at this point that I also became interested in representing workers, Zimbabwe at the time was going through hyper-inflation so salary increases were a seriously contested area, the employees needed me for my analytical skills, to corner the employer and show why they could afford the 100-200% salary increase. It is in the debates with company executives that we always ended up scrutinizing what money was invested and where. The bulk was in the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange, those days shares were moving hundreds of percent. With our meagre salaries we jumped into the money making machine, everyone was trying to beat inflation and beat the exchange rate. Buy today, sell a week later with 2000% profit and hope by time funds cleared you would be able to buy the US dollar making a gain. I remember the adrenalin rush, it was insane. Often we lost the battle waiting for funds to clear forcing us to buy again.
The Money Lesson
See as a child my father died, I could tell at his funeral that he was a notable employee at the national airline, pilots, general managers all came to pay last respects. Later I learnt he had worked hard, to each child he left a sizable amount of money. We all had bank accounts where funds were put, the bank was called Post Office Savings Bank (POSB). In today's money it would have been several thousands. We let that money sit in a savings account and at that time the economy was undergoing structural adjustment guided by IMF, inflation was ravaging this money so much that within 2 years it was all gone. What followed was substantial suffering to near destitution. Though I was young, the experience from plenty to nothing was rather intriguing. Trauma leaves a mark on all of us, with me being introverted meant I digested things long after they had reason to be at the back of my mind.
Back to insurance, I was now able to piece together how money worked. The confusion of childhood was now finding answers. It was like the universe conspired to put me in a place where my confusion would be solved. I also got a front row view of the monster called inflation and the unfairness of the pension and retirement management companies. While we argued to be paid fairly, management would tell us the money sitting on the balance sheet was for policy holders. On the other hand the same policy holders who had put hundreds of dollars, some from as far back as 1980s, were being told their policy value was not enough to afford a loaf of bread. Many would not travel to claim the matured policies for they would spend more in transport charges that the payout. So it happened that insurers saw the paper obligation go to zero, while the assets purchased by premiums from those paper contracts multiplied to match inflation. Long story short, policies got wiped out, insurers gained assets with no obligations tied to them, it was a sad situation.
Into the Markets
I started doing analysis, the very basic, buy low and hold, sell at a profit. I have analyzed some great opportunities where I could have turned $200 into $20,000. But I saw them and said I would act on them later, later I never got the change but serious regret as that money would have saved me a recession. I lost my job abruptly during the Great Financial Crisis. By 2017 I went back to the markets, I knew my greatness was in there, I strongly believed I could teach people to be careful, to think of their pensions and manage them differently especially in Africa. I put a lot of time into studying, listened to many hours of Anton Kriel, he sounded convincing being an ex-Goldman Sachs employee. I listened to the likes of Lance Beggs who traded by the minute and the likes of Rayner Teo whose ways were an adrenalin rush. I thought I was ready, read the candle patterns and bed on them. It didn't turn out so well, I lost something close to $10,000. Being an introvert, adrenalin was not doing me good, blood pressure spiked. I was losing more than I was gaining, everything was complicated on the right side of the chart, history is easy to read, telling the future was a wild animal, untamable.
The world of trading is complicated, one must find where their personality fit, some prefer to be glued to many screens constantly. I was not cut out for that clearly. I wanted some certainty so I can relax and not bother what price was going, if ever I did I would look quickly and finding a convincing reason why things were so. I started learning cycle analysis, I began solving for time rather than price. The things I learnt through earlier traders were great, I credit Lance Beggs for his comprehensive tutorial and candlestick patterns. But I felt I arrived when I came across Malcolm the cycle analyst. It was hard learning cycle analysis, having had many failed attempts, I was skeptical. The more I dug into it, the more it made sense. Today I use mostly cycle counts to determine price direction. In my trading ideas, I simplify it leaving out technical jargon so that the man on the street or just starting can follow, confirm and profit from the ideas.
The goal is to build a trading and investing system that anyone can use especially the financially illiterate. The misfortunes I suffered, I am certain I can save many from that kind of calamity. I have spent the past 3 years building data into Google Sheets, some semi-automated updates here and there. I like what I am building and by end of 2023 I want to be covering JSE, NYSE, ASX & LSE (FTSE). I believe what big corporates have made a complicated process, we must make it simple and if possible make money from there. In Africa money must not be dormant, it must not be subjected to buy and hold where one does Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) & pray after 10 years it will be twice or more. In Africa one must ensure money is always on a voyage, moving from profit in one market and into cheaper alternatives but ready to move towards profit. This is because the challenges in Africa tend towards economic bust, if one can use the limited time to build a war chest spread across major bourses, they can save themselves and many from poverty. I believe in innovation and that it can lift Africa somewhat from poverty, however only when we can turn our dollar into ten dollars can we think of putting five dollars into innovation. It begins with getting good returns relative to time. Slow but sure can work for others, we need speed to catch up. The ideas I share, I usually go over them and ensure I share where confidence levels are high. I used to share ideas before I was good, I saw many were not going as planned, I quit. It is great discomfort to share something that can lose a person money. So stay tuned as we try to disrupt the markets for Africa's sake. It's possible!
Learn to Read the Strength of the Candlestick | Trading Educati
What it is?
Candlestick rejection strategy is a pure price action swing trading strategy. It makes use of the concept of price rejection or candlestick rejection patterns to invalidate counter-trend momentum for a trade continuation.
By applying such candlestick rejection strategy onto swing trading, it allows trades to capture spots at which market prices are at rest during retracements before rejoining back the existing dominant trend.
How to use?
Some trade recommendation for such candlestick rejection strategy is to use it as a candlestick rejection pattern on counter-trend moves. This means that we pick candlestick rejection pattern only for the sake of searching for breakout continuation with the dominant trend at counter trend waves.Entry can be made after the breakout occurs at the high or low of The Mother Bar and stop loss order can be placed at the opposing breakout side's high or low.
Further trade help can also be incorporated to help increase the trade's probability of success. For instance, it can be used together with other technical tools such as dynamic moving averages and Fibonacci retracement tool. Some may even want to consolidate other trading strategies to further increase trade’s probability of success.
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Strategy Coding E01: Adding a custom Trailing-StopIn my experience there are phases to creating a strategy. In this episode we will cover one of the most important steps: establishing an exit strategy. Exiting a position is crucial to risk management. If your entries are terrible but you have a good exit strategy, you might get by and not lose a lot of your capital. And vice-versa, if your entries are great, but your exit strategy is terrible, you my not make any profit.
Concepts we will cover in this episode:
Integrating an indicator value as a trailing stop.
Lowering the trailing stop sensitivity by using the Average True Range (ATR).
Customizing the ATR value.
Brief introduction to 'modules'.
10 Golden rules of investing Investments are neither complex nor difficult. There is a set of golden rules that help investors stay on track to achieve their ultimate financial goals. When it comes to money management, investments play a key role in creating wealth. At first, it can be difficult for you to decide which product to choose, where to invest, how much to keep, and so on. But as you continue, you will get a better understanding of how the investment market works.
Keep in mind that no matter how disciplined you are and no matter what rules you follow, investing comes with risks and you can still get back less than you invested.
Here is our summary of the 10 Rules Every Investor Should Know:
1. Do your own research
Don't blindly trust what someone says on the internet, make sure it's backed up by multiple credible sources. Most people are biased about the cryptocurrencies they own, so naturally they can't say anything but good things about the coins in their portfolio while attacking the ones that aren't. Do your best to understand the positives and negatives of cryptocurrencies and develop an unbiased opinion.
2. Set clear goals
Knowing your financial goals and the time frame for which you are investing can help you stick to your strategy. For example, if you have long-term goals, such as saving money for your children's education or for a personal retirement that may be decades away, you may be less tempted to invest before that time.
3. Never invest in something you don't understand
Before investing in any investment, take the time to research it thoroughly so you understand exactly what is involved and what the risks are. Funds, for example, issue a Key Investor Information Document (KIID) or a Key Information Document (KID) that explains the fund's main functions and fees. You must read this before investing. If you are investing in individual projects, make sure you know what the company is doing and how it plans to make money in the future. In the cryptocurrency market, projects also have various documentation, white paper, roadmap. Before investing, you need to study all this and subscribe to the social networks of the project in order to understand the general mood of the project and investors and be aware of the latest news.
4. Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Today, this rule is more relevant than ever. We all know the saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket", but it's especially important to apply this rule when investing. Spreading your money across a range of different asset types and geographies means you won't be too dependent on one type of investment or region. This means that if one of them performs poorly, some of the other investments may make up for those losses, although there are no guarantees.
5. The greater the potential return, the higher the level of risk
The prospect of higher returns may be attractive, but there is usually a greater risk of losing funds. Think carefully about your approach to risk. You may be more comfortable choosing less risky investments, even if returns are likely to be lower. However, remember that no investment is without risk, and there is always a chance that you can return less than you invested. If, nevertheless, the temptation to enter a highly profitable and high-risk asset eats you up from the inside - invest, however, with a very small part of your total deposit.
6. Long-term investments are not always accompanied by high returns.
First of all, it is necessary to understand for ourselves what profitability we want to receive from a company or project. Reading the documentation and roadmap, we do not assume that the company will exist for decades. First of all, we argue that with due efforts, the capitalization of the project can double. Yes, it may take several years. However, the goal should be expressed in terms of percentage of profit, and not in terms of the investment period. After all, it may happen that the value of assets will return to the price values of a decade ago or, even worse, the company will simply close.
7. If something seems too good to be true, it usually is.
Beware of highly speculative investments that seem too good to be true, don't follow the crowd and invest (or sell) just because other people do. For example, many investors invested in the digital currency bitcoin in the second half of 2017, when its price rose, but its value fell by half in a month. In mid-December 2017, Bitcoin was trading at almost $20,000, but by mid-January 2018, it had fallen below $10,000. Those who at that moment could not cope with stress and sold “at the bottom” lost
A fortune.
8. Income reinvestment or cost averaging can help increase overall returns
The DCA strategy helps to avoid asset volatility and allows you not to constantly monitor a company or project. If you are not looking for a quick return on your investment, then you may want to consider reinvesting your funds to buy more of your investment, which will potentially increase in value and increase your overall profit. Simply put, your earnings also generate a return, which is known as compound interest. However, keep in mind that reinvesting income rather than receiving it as cash means you could lose it or see its value drop. If any income you receive is automatically reinvested – for example, if you invest in shares directly and subscribe to Automatic Dividend Reinvestment (ADR) – you will also not be able to choose the price at which you will buy any additional shares, so it can be low or high.
9. Review your portfolio and rebalance
Markets are constantly changing, and so are your investments. You will be investing for many years, so it is important to carry out regular checks to stay on top of your money. Sometimes your initial asset allocation can get out of balance, so you need to rebalance it. For example, the market can fluctuate in different directions, effectively changing the percentage of your investment. Do you want to work on maintaining a percentage that will help you reach your goals? If you don't take action, you can have a lot more of one asset class than another when the market fluctuates.
As part of the rebalancing process, you buy or sell certain investments to return to your desired asset allocation. This can help prevent a portfolio from being too aggressive when the goal is to minimize risk. In addition, by rebalancing you will avoid having too many assets of a certain class and restore your portfolio back to the original set of assets.
10. Don't try to time the market
In an ideal world, you could buy investments just before they appreciate and sell before they fall. However, no one knows which direction the stock markets will move next, so trying to predict market ups and downs can result in you buying or selling at the most inopportune times. Buying and holding investments can help you stay committed to your investments for the long term by avoiding panic decisions when the markets are volatile.
If you want to start investing, use these golden rules. By using these simple investment strategies, you can make your money work for you and take care of your future. If you think that the potential reward is not worth the risk, then investing is not for you.
DEMONS OF TRADING | Don't Think Like This
Have you ever wondered what helped all those professionals of Wall Street become successful? You will be surprised, but the key to their reached heights is hidden in their mistakes. Yes, that is right. Most professional and successful traders made many mistakes before they got to the top.
Making mistakes is ordinary and sometimes even necessary because you learn when you make them. The crucial point of this idea is never to repeat those mistakes because some errors may cost us a fortune. That is why we gathered 10 most common trading mistakes to prevent you from faults and losses.
Little preparation
Entry to the Forex market is relatively easy, so people have a light-minded attitude towards trading knowledge. Beginner traders, especially, think that theory is not a big deal, and they will be able to build it up without a peep. However, it does not work this way.
Miscalculating the risk/reward ratio
For some reason, many traders believe that higher win trades are more profitable than lower ones. Sometimes, this idea even gets paid off, and due to blind luck, trades, where the potential risk exceeds the reward, benefit. However, in most cases, such trades are a sure way to lose money in the longer term.
Avoiding risk management
Risk management should be the core of your trading because it helps cut down losses. Trading without risk management is like skydiving without a parachute.
Neglecting market events
Relevant market news is essential as economic events influence the direction of trading during the day. So, if you are not aware of the financial reports or earnings, you might skip the volatility.
To win the game, you need to develop your thinking and how you participate in the game. You are in a market trading against professional traders. Your goal is to think like a professional. That is the only way to survive in this game.
Dear followers, let me know, what topic interests you for new educational posts?
Technical Analysis !!!👨🏫Hello, my trader friends🙋🏻.
I want to tell you the story of Technical Analysis, its advantages & disadvantages.
We're even gonna learn about its branches.
Like any other science, Technical Analysis has come a long way, and it's still evolving. But why should we learn it and know it well?🤷🏻
When you're trading, you may be afraid or greedy. But how do professional traders control these two?🤔
Let me start with a simple example.
If someone turns off the lights & challenges you in a new room, you will feel scared or lack confidence because you don't know that place. But if the challenge happens in your bedroom or home🏡, you'll feel more powerful 💪🏻 and confident because this environment is familiar & you can act better.✅
Fear is caused by the unknown. When you don't know this market, you can't get good results (or at least permanent good results).
So follow this page to conquer all the peaks⛰️ of Technical Analysis together🙌🏻 and learn from A to Z of it.
Also, I'm a fellow traveler on this route🛤️, not your tour guide.
So, if you have any questions, ask me in the comments💬.
My trader fellas, let's take one step👣 at a time because taking long and hurried steps will only hit you harder. I'm with you in all these steps🪜 & get started with the first type of market analysis.
Technical Analysis is old. I mean, it's almost 300 years old📜, but it doesn't like to talk about its age, so we couldn't find the exact information about its birth date🗓️😑.
Maybe it’s from Japan⛩️🎌 and was born in the 18th century, or perhaps its date of birth is in the Middle Ages.
But there is some more information that I'm sure about. For example, in 1879, the Technical Analysis found a friend by the name of Chart📈, and they have not separated until today.
Let's skip this story and be serious☺️. Technical analyzers believe that everything is in the Chart.
In Technical Analysis, there is all the necessary information for trading, such as entry points, exit points, market volume, stock prices in the past and present, etc. (The Chart is a complete encyclopedia for Technical analyzers!!🤦🏻😶 )
There is another type of analysis that examines the available information about a stock (from the founder of a stock or company to the cost and income and even the company manager's records), called Fundamental. But the Technicalists say that even some of the Fundamental information is in the Chart! 😐
Overall, Technical and Fundamental are both complementary to each other and opposite to each other. But both are related to the Chart. (These three have a complicated relationship; I mean, there is a love triangle, so we should stay out of it !!🤫😂 )
Let's skip the joke. All these things are just like the gears⚙️ of a car, but it's not enough. You need to follow more rules in the market to pass the finish line🏁 with your trading car🏎️ . Don't worry cause I'm gonna tell you everything you need to know to win🏆 this trade racing with your strategy car.
Now that we have learned a little about the history of Technical Analysis, it is better to learn about its contents.
The price chart, our most important resource and tool in Technical Analysis, consist of the price-time, Charts, and Candles.
But these candles🕯️ existed 100 years before bar and dot charts.📊📉
In 1700, a Japanese man named Huma realized that the price of rice depended on the emotions of traders in addition to supply and demand.
Candles show these feelings with their colors.
For example, the green candles🟢 show trust and good feelings among people who invested in a stock.🤑
But red candles🔴 indicate doubts or hopelessness of people about a stock, and they sell it.😞
I don't know why I remembered Moody's octopus doll🐙 :)
But candles tell you the feelings of other traders just like these dolls. But only its color is not essential.
Can you guess the other important factors about candles? I will tell you the rest of them soon.😉.
Have you heard that history repeats itself?
By looking carefully🧐 at the old charts, some creative people found that the prices behaved similarly to their past.
They realized that the candles make interesting shapes next to each other, and they made these shapes repeatedly in different periods.🔁
They formed different geometric shapes and patterns & continued to make these shapes until today :)
Let's accept that the Chart is creative and artistic! 🎨🖌️😊
For example, they found a shape called a Head & Shoulders Pattern. This type of pattern will cause a downward trend⤵️ in the Chart.
I tried to find it & place it on someone's Head & Shoulders to remember it better. 😁
Many patterns can be found in any chart, and I have already taught the reversal patterns in my previous posts, But I want to go over all the patterns in detail again in the future, so let's dive into the other contents of Technical Analysis.👇
Using formulas, mathematical🧮 ratios, and advanced calculations, indicators were created that can generally show the market's present and past and give a relative opinion about the future (Please don't get the indicators wrong with magic 8 ball🎱 or Professor Dumbledore's wand✨. )
Let's be serious about it. Maybe you know that indicators depend on the two factors of time and place of price.
In terms of time🕦, they are divided into two categories: leading and lagging.
In terms of price movement💹, they are divided into three categories: trend indicators, oscillators, and volume indicators.
The indicator that I made the above meme for is a leading oscillator.
Now it’s time to go for the other various tools that are made by using numbers🔢 and people’s actions in the market.
A person named Nelson Elliott made a useful tool, although, after his death, many people worked on this tool and improved it until today it reached us, but we are going to discuss it better in the following posts like the rest of the contents of Technical Analysis.😉
But I have to say Elliot believed that the market is not disordered and always repeats a repetitive cycle, and Eliot called these repeated movements waves.
According to him, if you can perfectly identify the repeating patterns in the price, you can predict how the price will change (or not change) in the next phase.
Eliot published his experiences and theories in a book called the waves principle, which I recommend if you want to get good information in this field; it's better to start from the origin of this theory.
I think there is no better definition for the word "Wave" than sea waves🌊, and I tried to draw Elliot waves like sea waves reaching the shore. 🏖️
In the end, I want to say that whatever style of analysis you have or whatever type of Chart you use, in the future, this machine will not go the right way without following a series of principles.
Suppose you have the best car in the world, but you neither know how to drive nor the rules. It can be guessed that you will either crash with someone or break the car💥.
You should have risk management along with your trading system, and don't forget that no trading system is perfect.🙅🏻
It is better to try each method on demo accounts before making real trades.
Of course, you can count on me and ask any questions you may have.🙂💭
In the following posts, I’ll talk more about the things that have been said and introduce you to good trading systems that can be obtained from any method.
I'm by your side so that if you are a beginner, you can find your own way, and if you know the market, we can learn the basics of this market better & together🤝🏻.
Wish you happiness, health & success guys🙋🏻.
Trading Psychology 101 | FEAR (1/2)A bit of a different video for you..
Thought i should talk about a sensitive subject here..
Psychology in trading and the key factors that you may need to finally BECOME a better trader..
In this part, I talk about FEAR and FOMO. Also, I added a more sensitive part, which is feeling burnt out and ways to overcome that.
Hope you find this helpful!
Heads or Tails?What does TRADE have in common with heads and tails?
Well, many use simple randomness to define whether they should buy or sell and this is directly linked to heads or tails, but the point I want to address is the following: a coin with two sides has a 50% chance of falling either on one side or on the other, either heads or tails, but if you decide to toss the coin 10 times up, it could land 10 times heads or even 7 times, and at that moment you might wonder, but the probability is not 50%, shouldn't we have 5 times heads and 5 times tails? Yes, but the short-term randomness makes the low probability happen! Now if you toss that coin 10,000 times, the law of large numbers is likely to make the 50% probability dominate the outcome!
But where does this fit into TRADE?
Basically in all operating models, if you operate you have a hit rate allied with a ratio between risk and return, these two things are directly linked, many seek a higher hit rate, others seek more PayOff, but regardless of your profile, from your approach you have to know that a model in the short term does not become a winner or a loser, you need a historical basis of how your approach behaves and then, yes, decide to operate using this strategy.
Many say that with a strategy with 2x your risk and a hit of 50% you will be profitable, statistically this is true, but are you willing to faithfully follow this model even taking CONSECUTIVE STOPS?
We should be, but those who trade know that a sequence of Stops does not generate a pleasant feeling! And it's precisely that feeling that can leave you in the middle of the way!
See below the SHARP index many do not know, but I will present here, what is the SHARP index? The Sharpe Ratio is used to show to what extent the return on an investment compensates the investor for taking risks on his investment. (I recommend using it in your models or in your performance reports).
When using the formula you find a result called SQN
See the example of heads or tails in practice, with a positive risk/return ratio
See that only with time you will be able to validate a winning strategy, and in the middle of the way it is possible that you will have some Stops, and this should refine your way of operating, in order to find points to be adjusted, many books define that time takes you are the excellence, but the biggest illusion that the market generates is that of getting rich fast, contradictory isn't it, this makes the journey of a trader with frustrations and disbelief difficult.
But few are willing to go through this journey, as if that were not enough, you will find that there are no facilities, many preach that you must choose between Access Fee or PayOff most of the time, these they are opposite characteristics in objective models, but the secret is simple!
You need to find balance
See this great example, most people who operate the market have already learned about the EMA 9 or MA 9 anyway, it's an easy model to learn that promises good profits, but when it hits, but what few told you is that it rarely hits ! Even so, it can be a profitable model in several assets.
In my tests, the model has an average success rate of 31%, unfortunately few people have the emotional energy to use this, since they give up even before the model reverses the capital curve to the positive side.
See this model in the same example of the difference between few trades vs many trades
Here it is clear the importance of time and consistency in defining a model and faithfully executing it!
So what do we learn from this?
First: The law of large numbers rules the market.
Second: As much as the PayOff is high, you may not have your emotions trained enough to withstand a losing streak, many will say "But in this model I'm losing with a spoon and winning with a bucket", that seems to make sense, but in reality practice, it's more painful than it looks.
Third: Be willing to operate your way, know that your emotional profile is unique, so use techniques and refine your market reading, beware of false simplicity or the highest degree of complexity to operate the market, be willing to see the that makes sense to you and metric it to use with confidence.
Fourth: Trading the market is like learning to walk, you need help at first, but then you need to fall over your falls and gain balance, it's the same here, you'll make mistakes, but that's the only way you'll learn.
I hope I helped you with this topic, if you liked it, leave your BOOST to support this idea, and also leave it here in the comments if you are from the PayOff team or the Hit Rate.
How To: Find Good Traders To Follow & Who Picked the BTC Crash !Just thought I would show you an interesting way to see who is making the right calls before a stock or (crypto)currency makes a significant bullish or bearish move.
With so many people posting on TradingView it can sometimes be hard to know who to follow.
This is a way to see very simply who is making more accurate calls and best of all it IS NOT influenced by their number of posts or followers or reputation points etc.
It is a great way to discover new users brand new to the site - or more established ones who have been on here for years. You can have one post or 100 and still stand out.
If you find the same person consistently making the "right" calls and you like their analysis and how they trade then you can very easily follow them.
(PS not really a crash, more of some profit taking and a pullback to support. Be interesting to see what happens over the next few days though.)
Trading Strategy. Basic principlesThe following clearly outlines my trading strategy, every day I seek out deals based solely on this strategy.
Without regular backtesting (trade by trade), the results of trading are random and uncertain. The cumulative outcome of the R-multipliers should be positive, but, if a routine backtest is conducted (after executing numerous trades based on sequential trading processes that offer us an edge) The primary focus of our trading strategy is the risk-to-reward ratio (RR), where a large number of losses can be offset by a single profitable trade.
- Entry requirements are sufficient to prevent market noise.
- Position sizing ensures we have a consistent (fixed) risk every transaction, and we adhere to this algorithm on each and every trade.
- Maintaining the advantage afforded by our trading method requires mental preparation for the fluctuations that will effect our account balance. Short-term losses should have no psychological impact!
Entry Standards:
We join the market based on key supply and demand sectors that play a significant impact in the structure of the market. We identify them by emphasizing the M15, H4 points of interest responsible for the structure's collapse.
Once the price reaches our point of interest, we will watch for a reaction in this area, which will indicate if the price intends to move higher or lower. The objective is to identify where a substantial position was taken and wait for the price to return to that point in order to reduce the repercussions and ensure the price follows its actual intentions.
- Monitor price action and reaction points closely.
- Do not be greedy; if required, close such deals sooner, but not before 3R; bring the trade to the following supply/demand zone.
- Keep a close eye on price movement and response points when entering a trend.
- Enter a trade based on the candle that triggered the CHoCh, move it to the next high/low level, and partially close if momentum appears to be waning.
- There is no need to move the SL aggressively; instead, let the price to fluctuate and move the entry to break even only after the initial LH/HL is created.
4H Definition of Market structure
Determine the price's response to important zones on a daily/weekly basis.
How should I mark the chart?
- swing highs and lows
- B.O.S
- Supply and Demand zones
- Liquidity H/L, EQH/EQL, internal liquidity trend
- Orderflow structure HL - HH or LH - LL
How should I mark the chart?
- fluctuate between highs and lows
- ChoCh/BOS
- Demand/supply zones
- Liquidity, liquidity zones/points, strong/weak H/L, liquidity before poi
- Premium/Discount - short discount and long premium.
- Order flow
How should I mark the chart?
- Liquidity grab (sweep)
- Mitigation/RTO
- S/D flip
How to become a trader? (Part 1)How to become a trader? (Part 1)
1. What is trading?
We all know what trading is. Almost all of us had someone around us who was trading, or maybe we heard the names of people like Warren Buffett or Elon Musk. But what we don't know is that trading is not just opening a chart and drawing a line and finally buying a stock or something. Trust me, It is more complicated than that.
In this market, for 95% of people, there will be nothing but financial loss. But those 5% are the ones who get the secret of trading. You probably won't recognize those 5%, and they won't want to introduce themselves either. But if you persevere and put in enough effort and a lot of time, and then you go through more persistence and difficulty and loss of capital and disappointment, it is possible, just possible, that you will become one of those 5%.
Come with me to find out what we should do.
2. Where do we start?
An important question will arise for all people who are new to trading. "Where to start?"
In the first few days, you will see a lot of stuff. And for sure, you will be confused like me. There are many things to learn. YouTube, books, even private training. But what do you get in the end? Well, you find a trading method and trade with it for some time. Then you start losing money. Then you go to another method and you lose again. And this cycle continues like this (this is the first hard part that I mentioned above). Later, you will learn about capital management and the psychology of trading. And by combining these three things and, of course, enough time, you will move towards becoming a trader. Therefore, becoming a trader is not something that can be achieved overnight and more importantly, it is not something that can be given to you. You have to achive it.
3. Strategy
The first place you should start is formulating a strategy. Some people think that everything boils down to strategy. So when they can't make money, they try to find a more sophisticated strategy. But this is wrong. Strategy is just the beginning. I will talk more about this later. But before that, let's talk about the components of strategy.
We can divide each strategy into 5 parts: Trend, Area of Value (AOV), Trigger, Stop loss (SL) and Target point (TP).
A. Trend: The first and most important part. Trend means the next move will be up or down. Your tool to find the trend can be your eyes, trend line and different indicators. The most important thing to learn here is that no one knows which way the price will move. All we know and get through our tools is which direction the price is "more probable". The second point is that the trend is not about the past movement, but it's representative of the next movement! So don't mix them up.
B. Area of Value (AOV): Let's assume that the price of a stock is going to increase, and in other words, it wants to find an up trend. Where will your entry area be? There are useful tools such as trend line, moving, Fibonacci, candlestick, support and resistance areas and etc. for this.
C. Trigger: You will need a confirmation to enter when the price is in the value zone. I recommend you to use multi-time frame and look for entry in lower time-frames. The tools are the same as before.
D. Stop loss: Your entire strategy depends on this component. Most people do not use the limit because they do not know how to use it. And they are also afraid of losing. The best traders also make mistakes and control their mistakes by limiting their losses. The limit of loss is your friend. Learn how to make the most of it.
E. Target point: We humans have a good tolerance in the face of difficulties. But can we stop ourselves from seeing profit? The second stage is difficulty, patience and tolerance to achieve your desired profit. At the same time, knowing that the conditions may change, and you may not even get the profit you have now.
There are more complex strategies that combine all of the above. Like Elliot, Ichimoku and etc.
The important thing about the strategy is that a super complex strategy is not necessarily better than a simple strategy. Sometimes a simple trend line can give you a profit that dozens of complicated indicators cannot give you. I am not saying that complexity is worse. In fact, the more complicated it is, the more accurate your position and understanding of the subject will be. But the problem is that our mind does not have the ability to analyze all the possibilities. That's why, don't look for a super-complicated method produced by company X. Choose the simplest method that works for you, and you can communicate with it more easily.
Each of those 5% people choose a method and become a master in it. So it doesn't matter what the method is. It is important that it is profitable. It matters how you implement it.
In the next part, I will talk about capital management and market psychology.
Good luck.
How to double your small ($250) trading account trading Bitcoin How to Double your Small ($250) Trading Account Trading Bitcoin
I started a degen account with $250 and almost doubled it in 4 days making about 6 trades. This strategy is not Financial advice and I'm only illustrating what I have learnt trading this way. This is the first video in the series and I'll be continuing the series , updating you on progress, winners, losses, my trading journal and some live trading, so make sure to Sub, like comment and share.
I show you how I entered my current trade, where I am looking to take profits and show you my pnl on Bybit.
Not Financial Advice. DYOR. Papertrade before trading with real money.
Hope you have a profitable trading day!
How to auto-execute TradingView alerts on exchangeIf you have your own strategy in TradingView, you can set up opening trades on the exchange in a couple of clicks.
Next, you’ll see an example of how we set up alerts in 5 minutes, and how orders were opened and closed on the exchange. To do this, we will create alerts and a bot for alerts on our platform.
Step 1. Set the alert parameters.
Go to our terminal, select the Algotrading section → Trading Robots → Add strategy button.
You will see an interface for creating and customizing your bot, where you need to perform the Basic settings and proceed to setting the parameters for sending signals to the system.
To do this, go to the Sending signals block.
The TradingView signal source is already selected.
Copy the Request URL.
On the right side of the window, we see the code with the request parameters. You can add other parameters with checkboxes, we have added Stop Loss and Take Profit. Copy and save the code.
Step 2. Launch the bot.
Next, find the created bot in the All robots section and launch it in Work trading mode according to the manuals in the terminal.
Step 3. Set up an alert in TradingView.
Go to TradingView, open the Alerts section and set up an alert, for example, for opening an order (Buy) based on a simple indicator - in our case, Crossing.
Paste the code that we got in Step 1 in the Message field.
Paste the request URL we got in Step 1 in the Webhook URL field and Save.
The alert has been successfully created and is active on TradingView in the Alerts section.
Step 4. Monitor the orders.
The alert triggers and ... Go to the Alerts log, where we see a notification about executed alerts from TradingView.
We can check in the bot on our platform, open the Trades tab - we see open orders.
And we see that alert orders are open on the exchange.
Since we set Stop Loss and Take Profit, the orders were not only opened, but also closed. In the platform we can find deals, on the exchange we can find orders with the Sell parameter.
We hope that now trading with TradingView will become even easier. We will release new and more detailed articles for you on using webhooks so that the strategy created here works 24/7 without your participation.
Learn Why Most of the Traders Fail
The evidence suggests that only a very small proportion of day traders makes money year over year.
There are certain patterns which may separate profitable traders from those who ultimately lose money. And indeed, there is one particular mistake that in our experience gets repeated time and time again. What is the single most important mistake that led to traders losing money?
Here is a hint – it has to do with how we as humans relate to winning and losing.
Our own human psychology makes it difficult to navigate financial markets, which are filled with uncertainty and risk, and as a result the most common mistakes traders make have to do with poor risk management strategies.
Traders are often correct on the direction of a market, but where the problem lies is in how much profit is made when they are right versus how much they lose when wrong.
Bottom line, traders tend to make less on winning trades than they lose on losing trades.
Humans aren’t machines, and working against our natural biases requires effort. Once you have a trading plan that uses a proper reward/risk ratio, the next challenge is to stick to the plan. Remember, it is natural for humans to want to hold on to losses and take profits early, but it makes for bad trading. We must overcome this natural tendency and remove our emotions from trading.
That will help you to be a consistently profitable trader.
Please, like this post and subscribe to our tradingview page!👍
Do That BEFORE You Start REAL ACCOUNT Trading
Here is the list of thing that you should learn in advance before you start trading on a real account.
1) Open a demo (practice) account and learn to execute trades without making errors
2) Study the methods of great traders and financial minds throughout history - Jesse Livermore, W D Gann, Charles Dow/Dow theory, Paul Tudor Jones,Richard Wyckoff.
Learn their methods and employ them. Learn their mistakes and avoid them.
3) Focus on learning, not winning. Forget about money and profits. Think about developing a winning strategy and a winning trading mindset. Always be open-minded. Observe. Be flexible.
4) I recommend reading the following books. These books will help you to start to think like a trader and realize what you are getting yourself into:
a) "Reminiscences of a Stock Operator" by Edwin Lefevre
b) "Art of War" by Sun Tzu (Not a trading book but an old book on rules of war and how to protect yourself from being outsmarted and defeated by your enemies)
c) "The Trading Methodologies of W.D. Gann" by Hima Reddy
d) "Time Compression Trading: Exploiting Multiple Time Frames in Zero Sum Markets" by Jason Alan Jankovsky
e) "Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude" by Mark Douglas
5) Watch YouTube videos. Absorb all the info you can as the more you know, the more the pieces of the puzzle fit together later on. You can learn the basics of trading on your own and then when you are ready to take your trading to the next level.
To win the game, you need to develop your thinking and how you participate in the game. You are in a market trading against professional traders. The beginning traders in the market are not your competition-they are incidental. You need to trade with the professional traders who run the market.
I wish you luck on a battle field!
Dear followers, let me know, what topic interests you for new educational posts?
Learn The Only Proven Way to Become Rich
1. Money mindset is everything
You need to have a positive money mindset when it comes to creating wealth. Everyone carries a money story and it’s your job to understand what yours is and if it’s holding you back. Reframing your story to a millionaire’s mindset is essential for success because rich people think differently. How to get rich can’t be a passing phase in your life; it takes work and commitment.
2. Millionaires still budget
Hard to believe, but it’s true. Even millionaires follow a budget. The biggest secret on how to get rich and stay rich is spending less than you bring in. There will always be wants that exceed budget limits, even for millionaires, because there is not an unlimited supply of money.
3. Money management is key
Good money management is so important to get rich and stay rich. Money management is a behavior and habit. You need to be mindful of where you are investing and spending your money. There is a specific strategy to growing your wealth and maintaining it and you must follow it like you do a workout regime.
4. Invest your money for growth
Investing in assets that will appreciate over time and provide you with a return on your investment such as dividend or interest payments is smart. The goal is to build your asset portfolio and make it so strong that you can live off the passive income in your retirement.
5. Build your business around your personal financial goals
As a business owner you have more control over the money you make versus being an employee with a set salary. If you want more money in your pockets, you can increase your revenue and your profit margins to ensure you are taking home more money. The more profits you have in your business the more you can pay yourself a dividend or bonus, depending on the legal structure of your business.
6. Create multiple income streams
Smart business owners create more than one income streamas it protects them from fluctuations in the market. That means if one source of revenue dries up due to market conditions, other sources of income can protect you from a loss.
The bottom line is that knowing how to get rich is something that is learned. There are no guarantees that if you start a business that you will get rich because even the best business ideas fail due to poor execution. But if you educate yourself and get help in making your business a success, you will increase your chances of success.
What do you want to learn in the next post?
Learn The HIDDEN Costs of Trading
In this educational article, we will discuss the hidden costs of trading.
1 - Brokers' Commissions
Trading commission is the brokers' fee for opening a trading position.
Usually, it is calculated based on the size of the trade.
Even though most of the traders believe that trading commissions are too low to even count them, the fact is that trading on consistent basis and opening a couple of trading positions weekly, the composite value of commissions may cut a substantial part of our profits.
2 - Education
Of course, most of the trading basics can be found on the Internet absolutely for free.
However, the more experienced you become, the harder it is to find the materials. So you usually should pay for the advanced training.
Moreover, there is no guarantee that the course/coaching that you purchase will improve your trading, quite often traders go through multiple courses/coaching programs before they become consistently profitable.
3 - Spreads
Spread is the difference between the sellers' and buyers' prices.
That difference must be compensated by a trader if one wished to open a trading position.
In highly liquid markets, the spreads are usually low and most of the traders ignore them.
However, being similar to commissions, spreads may cut the substantial part of the overall profits.
4 - Time
When you begin your trading journey, it is not possible to predict how much it will take to become a consistently profitable trader.
Moreover, there is no guarantee that you will become one.
One fact is true, you should spend a couple of years before you find a way to trade profitably, and as we know, the time is money. More time you sacrifice on trading, less time you have on something else.
5 - Swaps
Swap is the fee you pay for transferring a position overnight.
Swap is based on a difference between the interests rates of the currencies that are in a pair that you trade.
Occasionally, swaps can even be positive, and you can earn on holding such positions.
However, most of the time the swaps are negative and the longer you hold your trades, the more costly your trading becomes.
The brokers' commissions, spreads and swaps compose a substantial cost of our trading positions. Adding into the equation the expensive learning materials and time spent on practicing, trading becomes a very expensive game to play.
However, knowing in advance these hidden costs, the one can better prepare himself for a trading journey.
❤️If you have any questions, please, ask me in the comment section.
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Leverage in Forex Trading | Your Main Tool
“Leverage” means using a small amount of your own money in order to control a much larger amount of money. Typically, you borrow the remaining amount through your broker.
For example, say you want to control a $50,000 position. Your broker might put aside $500 of your own money and borrow the remainder. You now have control over the $50,000 with just $500 from your own account, so your leverage ratio is 100:1.
Now, let’s say the $50,000 investment rises by $500, so the full position is now worth $50,500. If you were liable for the full $50,000 (representing a 1:1 ratio), this is only a 1% return on your investment. However, since you only put in $500 of your own capital, the $500 increase represents a 100% return on your investment – that’s way more exciting!
Now, it’s important to understand that this cuts both ways. If you lost $500 instead of gaining $500, you would see a -100% return on your investment. Yikes! If you had a 1:1 ratio and put in the full $50,000 you would only see a -1% return.
How Much Can You Leverage in Forex?
Before you open an account with a broker, you’ll want to check the maximum leverage ratio that you’ll be able to use. The higher the ratio, the bigger your potential gains or losses. Brokers will usually offer 50:1, 100:1, 200:1, or 400:1 ratios.
A typical ratio on a standard lot account is 100:1, and a mini lot account will often offer a 200:1 ratio. If you start trading at 400:1, be wary of using small deposits to control large capital, as these can disappear quickly with the volatility of large sums. Lower leverage keeps you safer from mistakes, while higher leverage could bring in higher rewards.
How Leverage Affects Your Trading ✅
As we’ve seen, leverage is a powerful tool that can help you win big in the forex market. You can use less capital to control greater positions, giving you flexibility and amplifying your profits. However, it can just as easily amplify your losses.
At very high levels, leverage starts to damage your odds of success. Transaction costs represent a higher percentage of your margin the greater your position is. This means that transaction costs already put you at a disadvantage with excessively high leverage.
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Are you prepared to lose? (and what to do if you are not)A new trader, let's call her Sarah, has just started trading in the crypto market. She has been reading articles and watching videos about trading, but hasn't taken the time to develop a solid trading plan, or to gain a good understanding of the markets and underlying assets she is trading.
Sarah sees bitcoin's value is going up, she doesn't do any further research or analysis, she doesn't set a stop loss or take profit level, she just buys bitcoin, with the expectation that she will make a quick profit.
Unfortunately, the value of bitcoin doesn't perform as well as Sarah had hoped, and instead of going up, it starts to go down. Sarah gets anxious and starts checking the bitcoin's value frequently, and since she didn't set a stop loss, she watches as her position continues to lose value. Eventually, the bitcoin loses so much value that Sarah is forced to sell it at a large loss.
Feeling disheartened, Sarah starts to second-guess herself and her abilities as a trader. She didn't have a plan or a strategy, didn't manage her risk properly, and didn't have a clear understanding of the markets and the underlying asset. She didn't prepare for the possibility of losses and didn't have a plan for exiting losing positions.
😭😖😞Unfortunately, the story above is very common in trading, so how can we prepare for losing trades?
☝🏽 Preparing for the possibility of losses is an important part of risk management and can help traders to minimize the impact of losses on their trading capital. Some ways to prepare for the possibility of losses include:
1️⃣ Setting realistic trading goals: Traders should set realistic goals that take into account the inherent risks of trading and the potential for losses. By setting realistic goals, traders will be better prepared to handle losses when they do occur.
2️⃣ Establishing a risk management plan: This includes determining the appropriate size of each trade, placing stop-loss orders, and evaluating the potential reward relative to the potential risk. This can help to limit potential losses and protect trading capital.
3️⃣ Maintaining a proper risk-reward ratio: This means that the potential reward of a trade should be greater than the potential loss. This helps ensure that the potential reward justifies the potential risk.
4️⃣ Diversifying the portfolio: By spreading capital across a variety of different markets and instruments, traders can reduce overall portfolio risk and minimize the impact of losses in any one market or instrument.
5️⃣ Building a trading cushion: This means keeping a reserve of capital that can be used to absorb losses and maintain the trader's ability to continue trading. This cushion should be large enough to withstand a series of losses, but not so large that it affects the trader's ability to trade effectively.
6️⃣ Emotionally preparing for losses: It's important to remember that losses are a normal part of trading and to not let them affect you emotionally. By preparing emotionally for the possibility of losses, traders will be better able to handle them when they occur.
7️⃣ Have a plan for exiting losing positions: Having a plan for exiting losing positions will help to minimize the impact of losses on the portfolio. This could include setting a stop loss or taking profits at predetermined targets.
⚠️ Remember, it's important to accept that losses are a normal part of trading and that they are not a reflection of the trader's ability. By preparing for the possibility of losses and implementing a solid risk management plan, traders can minimize the impact of losses and increase the chances of long-term success.
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Learn Why Do You Need a Stop Loss 🟥
Hey traders,
Talking to many struggling traders from different parts of the world, I realized that the majority constantly makes the same mistake: they do not set a stop loss.
Asking for the reason why they do that, the common answer is that
these traders consider the manual position closing to be safer, implying that if the market goes in the opposite direction, they will be able to much better track the exact moment to cut loss.
In this article, we will discuss why it is crucially important to set a stop loss and why it is the number one element of your trading position.
First of all, let's discuss what is a stop loss. By a stop loss, we mean a certain price level where we close our trading position in loss. In comparison to a manual closing, the stop loss should be set at the exact moment when the order is executed.
Stop loss allows us limiting the risks in case of unfavorable movements.
On the chart above, I have illustrated 2 similar negative scenarios: 1 with a stop loss being placed and one without.
In the example on the left, stop loss helped to prevent the excessive risk, cutting the loss at the beginning of a bearish wave.
With the manual closing, however, traders usually hold the negative positions much longer, praying for a reversal.
Holding a losing trade, emotions intervene. Greed and fear usually spoil the reasoning, causing irrational decisions.
Following such a strategy, the total loss of the second scenario is 5 times bigger than the total loss with a placed stop loss order.
Stop loss defines the point where you become wrong in your predictions. Planning your trade, you should know in advance such a point and cut your loss once it is reached.
Never trade without a stop loss.
❤️If you have any questions, please, ask me in the comment section.
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Trading Journals to Bring Your Trading Skills to the Next LevelHello, traders.
In this post, I am sharing tips for trading journals to bring your trading skills to the next level.
This post would help you if;
✅You are not sure what to write in a trading journal
✅You are not motivated to create your trading journal
✅You do not last in recording your trades
■ Importance of trading journals
Trading journal is important in order to;
1. Analyze your trades
Trading journals help traders identify problems and points to improve in your trades, by reviewing how you analyze the market and make decisions before taking positions.
Have you ever asked yourself after trades?
”Why did I take this trade??”
Even if you think you were calm and analyzed the market very carefully but you acted differently. This really happens.
With trading journals, you can review if your trades are rule-based, you have made wrong decisions and/or made any mistakes during trades.
2. Evaluate your strategies
Especially when traders are in the process of developing their own strategies, this evaluation is vital to make decisions on whether you need to improve something in your strategies or it is even worth using the strategies.
■ 3 Things to Remember When Creating a Trading Journal
1.PDCA Cycle
2.Design what kind of data you want to collect from your trading
3.Screenshots are musts
1.PDCA cycle is a well-known improvement method so I do not need to detail here, however, we, traders should always keep in mind that we have to keep improving ourselves and/or our strategies by conducting PDCA cycles for a single trade and for a group of trades during a certain period of time.
2.Another purpose of recording your trades is to collect data. Trading is a statistic business where data is very important for you to make decisions as there is no 100% in financial markets.
3.Humans’ memory is much weaker than we think. No matter how strongly we try to memorize what the markets look like, we forget. Because our memory is vulnerable.
This is why taking screenshots is important so that you can analyze your trades with the same conditions as when you took positions.
■ Sample criteria for creating a trading journal
Here’s is sample criteria(questions to yourself) when you make a journal.
✅ Why did you take this trade?
Is this trade as per your strategy or just one of FOMO entries?
Clarifying the reason to take this trade gives you a chance to review your thought process before the trading.
✅ What is your plan in this trade?
In my opinion, traders always should have what they aim in a trade that they are about to take.
Without this, traders are easily affected by emotions which ends up with cutting profit too early or even leads to out-of-rule trading.
✅ Result
✅ Plan TP/SL
Record planned TP/SL before you take trades in pips or currency(USD etc.) depending on the instruments you trade.
✅ Actual TP/SL
Record actual TP/SL in pips or currency(USD etc.) depending on the instruments you trade.
You can perform variance analysis comparing between plan and actual.
✅ Risk & Reward(RR)
RR is the breakeven point in trading business.
Whether your strategy can be profitable or not is all about balance between win rate and RR. It is vital to track and monitor RR.
✅ What is good about this trade?
Here is what I recommend to implement in your trading journals.
Trading including learning process is a completely solitary process.
When you are at school or at work, teachers and supervisors guide you in the right direction and praise us for good grades and good jobs. This experience of being praised will give you confidence in your studies and/or work, but this process normally does not happen in trading.
Therefore, when you are just starting out trading or when things do not go well, some traders might get lost asking themselves what they are doing is right or wrong.
That is why it is important to pat yourself on the back when you behave correctly in trading.
It is said that when people are praised, Dopamine is released in our brains which bring us to the feeling of well-being. Dopamine is also called “Happy hormone”, so the brain tries to work harder to reproduce that feeling of pleasure. In other words, you feel more positive and motivated, which leads to confidence along with the small successes of behaving correctly in trading.
This can only be a good thing, as it gives you confidence in your trading strategies.
Why don’t you give you a clap when you have done correctly?
✅ What improvement do you need from this trade?(Action for next trades)
To complete the last step of your trading PDCA cycle, consider what improvement/measures you have to implement against your mistakes and/or problems.
These action items will help you avoid making same mistakes in the future.
✅ Emotion
It is often said that recording your emotion during a trade is effective because emotion makes us make wrong decisions, break rules and chase the market like a horse chasing a carrot.
Did I get scared when executing trade? Why? Was I afraid all the time? Why? Reviewing your emotion would give you a hint on why you felt like that.
✅ Conviction
Conviction is how confident you are in a trade you took.(High/medium/low)
This is one of the ways to measure whether your confidence is statistically linked to your performance or just your imagination.
For example, you took 10 consecutive trades with high conviction rate and 7 out of 10 was successful trades. In this case, your view/analysis on the market is quite accurate and this makes you convinced that you should take a trade only when you feel highly convinced.
■ Trading Journal Tools
What tools do you use to record your trades?
Excel? Apps? Or even by hand writing? Let me know in the comment section below.
I am using a web service.(not sure if I can name the service here due to the house rules...)
It allows me to record all necessary info along with screenshots as well as creating monthly reports which definitely increase productivity and efficiency of trading journal.