"The news doesnt make the charts, The charts make the news" (paraphrased) BK- Brandon Kelly.. The Boss of Bitcoin....The Christo of Crypto.. He makes Technical Analysis so simple, Check out his Youtube videos @ www.youtube.com or his website @ www.BossofBitcoin.com
To Infinity and beyond. BK all day!!!!! Thank you. I got a 1 on 1 on with you @ Wednesday 3pm. Cant wait... Strangely enough, that happens to be exactly the same time that Indahash starts phase 2 of their ICO .. (Hmmmm...synchronicity?>>>> "The charts make the news"-BK I'm pretty new to charting but its awe-inspiring how strong their effect really is. These are...
343M . The stars have alligned. Letssee what happpens. I reallyu like this project so i'm pumped.