India’s Adventures in Fiat BubblesIndia became an independent country in 1947 and had a Grand Supercycle Wave I into the 60’s. Grand Supercycle Wave II finished up the 70’s, and this chart shows the completion of Grand Supercycle Wave III.
The price action is reflective of the massive fiat credit creation in the Indian economy, hence the equity bubble. A true democracy, India is in the process of learning not to allow the politicians control of the money supply. I also don’t recommend giving control of the money supply to a criminal banking cabal either, like we have in the United States. Both are examples of letting the Fox watch over the Hen House, and will result in The People getting robbed of their money… A recent example would be the government recently robbing the lower classes of the money in circulation that they used for day to day business.
India has a proud history of buying Gold and Silver. I recommend everybody in India trade their Rupees for gold and silver coins, and tell the government to shove their fiat where the sun doesn’t shine… And, oh yeah, sell the Sensex and invest in Gold and Silver until close to the end of the 20’s and the end of Grand Supercycle Wave IV. If India is smart, they will have transitioned to a PM backed currency, independent of Politicians and Bankers, and preferably enshrined in the Indian Constitution, so 60 to 70 years from now they won’t have to repeat this whole ordeal over…