UK bonds

The United Kingdom is one of the key players in the world economy, so to help you better understand its economic growth, we've gathered the list of UK government bonds in the table below.
Yield %
Maturity date
Term to maturity
Change %
GB01MYUnited Kingdom 1 Month Government Bonds Yield0.00%4.775%2025-01-1324 days99.687 PCTPAR+0.32%0.015 PCTPAR
GB03MYUnited Kingdom 3 Month Government Bonds Yield0.00%4.744%2025-03-1787 days98.882 PCTPAR+0.70%0.033 PCTPAR
GB06MYUnited Kingdom 6 Month Government Bonds Yield0.00%4.707%2025-06-16178 days97.756 PCTPAR+0.06%0.003 PCTPAR
GB01YUnited Kingdom 1 Year Government Bonds Yield3.50%4.581%2025-10-22306 days99.125 PCTPAR−1.65%−0.077 PCTPAR
GB02YUnited Kingdom 2 Year Government Bonds Yield4.13%4.362%2027-01-292 years 40 days99.525 PCTPAR−2.13%−0.095 PCTPAR
GB03YUnited Kingdom 3 Year Government Bonds Yield4.25%4.154%2027-12-072 years 352 days100.262 PCTPAR−2.30%−0.098 PCTPAR
GB04YUnited Kingdom 4 Year Government Bonds Yield0.50%4.169%2029-01-314 years 42 days86.284 PCTPAR−1.88%−0.080 PCTPAR
GB05YUnited Kingdom 5 Year Government Bonds Yield4.13%4.305%2029-07-224 years 214 days99.257 PCTPAR−2.00%−0.088 PCTPAR
GB06YUnited Kingdom 6 Year Government Bonds Yield4.75%4.253%2030-12-075 years 352 days102.591 PCTPAR−2.09%−0.091 PCTPAR
GB07YUnited Kingdom 7 Year Government Bonds Yield4.00%4.387%2031-10-226 years 306 days97.735 PCTPAR−1.90%−0.085 PCTPAR
GB08YUnited Kingdom 8 Year Government Bonds Yield3.25%4.455%2033-01-318 years 42 days91.876 PCTPAR−1.94%−0.088 PCTPAR
GB09YUnited Kingdom 9 Year Government Bonds Yield4.63%4.516%2034-01-319 years 42 days100.804 PCTPAR−1.78%−0.082 PCTPAR
GB10YUnited Kingdom 10 Year Government Bonds Yield4.25%4.523%2034-07-319 years 223 days97.888 PCTPAR−1.80%−0.083 PCTPAR
GB12YUnited Kingdom 12 Year Government Bonds Yield4.25%4.623%2036-03-0711 years 78 days96.760 PCTPAR−1.66%−0.078 PCTPAR
GB15YUnited Kingdom 15 Year Government Bonds Yield4.25%4.819%2039-09-0714 years 261 days94.050 PCTPAR−1.39%−0.068 PCTPAR
GB20YUnited Kingdom 20 Year Government Bonds Yield3.50%5.011%2045-01-2220 years 33 days81.002 PCTPAR−1.51%−0.077 PCTPAR
GB25YUnited Kingdom 25 Year Government Bonds Yield4.25%5.050%2049-12-0724 years 352 days88.721 PCTPAR−1.50%−0.077 PCTPAR
GB30YUnited Kingdom 30 Year Government Bonds Yield4.38%5.064%2054-07-3129 years 223 days89.490 PCTPAR−1.27%−0.065 PCTPAR
GB40YUnited Kingdom 40 Year Government Bonds Yield4.00%4.999%2063-10-2238 years 306 days82.953 PCTPAR−1.40%−0.071 PCTPAR
GB50YUnited Kingdom 50 Year Government Bonds Yield1.13%4.490%2073-10-2248 years 306 days33.629 PCTPAR−1.69%−0.077 PCTPAR