HOWDY!! - Sticky Joe
Sup Peeps,
Ok so I have been looking at the charts today because I wanted to make a new TV idea, and I noticed something. WE HAVE BEEN IN A BULL MARKET SINCE JUNE 29!!!! Every single one of those waves up that we have had since June 29 has been actively price-suppressed by the whales (those magnificent b@stards). Bitcoin and the alts have had weak hands sloughed away every month for half a year now. If you have been selling bitcoin at these prices for anything non-essential YOU ARE A FOOL. OK now for the analysis:
I said in my last idea that what we are waiting for is a new catalyst. Something to demonstrate that Bitcoin is in a new cycle (not something to bring about the new cycle; we have been in BULL since late JUNE). Something to tell the lemmings in the regular world "maybe I shouldn't have my retirement money in Facebook stock" and to get them into thinking about bitcoin.
I believe that that day has come. It is the US Election Day people! It is looking like the democrats have a reasonable chance to take The House (they are not taking The Senate no way in hell lol). The democrats have said that they will focus on attacking business, and the stock market has been bleeding out in anticipation. People are jumping out of stocks and conventional investments all over the world like rats off of a sinking ship.
Whether or not the democrats actually will attack business is a moot point. Investors think they will, and Wall Street is preparing for a "Red Dawn" situation (lol the soviets are in the streets!!! lols SELL SELL SELL!!!) All the smart money will go into bitcoin. THERE ARE VERY FEW OTHER SAFE INVESTMENTS. If you disagree ask Tether people. They can try to put their money into dollar stores and canned food companies, but there is only so much money you can put into dollar stores and canned food lolz.
I truly believe this is the last moments before the blowup. I truly believe this is what the whales have been waiting for. I truly believe this is what all of us bitcoin investors have been waiting for all year. Global market collapse, rising inflation, distrust of conventional investments. This is where we see if Bitcoin has the minerals.
Current Portfolio Composition:
BTC 19,4 %
ETH 27,8 %
BCH 14,7 %
LTC 11,2 %
XRP 20,9 %
BAT 6,0 %
I'm not kidding people. The stock market will crash this week. Smart money goes to CRYPTO.